The Benefits of Aquatic Therapy for Pregnancy

Pregnancy is a time in your life when your health comes into sharper focus. Over the next nine months, you can expect to undergo lots of changes as your body supports your developing baby and prepares for delivery. While you may know that you need to get more exercise, it also becomes harder to stay motivated when you are dealing with common pregnancy symptoms such as nausea and back pain. Aquatic therapy is a great to support your pregnancy and here’s why:  

1. Feel Supported

Moms feel incredibly supported when they lie down in our heated pool for a passive aquatic therapy. This is because apart from being 70% water, the belly is full of amniotic fluid, which means that when the mom is floating in water, the tissues and muscles distend and release in a very comfortable way giving the baby more space to move inside the intrauterine cavity.

2.  Alleviate the Strain of Weight Gain

One of the first things that new moms tend to notice is how much a little bit of weight gain interferes with their comfort. Your growing belly alters your center of balance, and this often makes it hard to continue with your normal workout routine. You may also notice more intense pain in your back and lower legs when you exercise on dry land. Aquatic exercises are a great option to counteract these effects. The exercises help you stay strong and fit and the water alleviates pain in your back and joints.

3. Improve Blood Circulation

Your blood volume increases during pregnancy. While this is a good thing for you and your growing baby, it can also lead to issues such as swelling in your legs and feet if it does not circulate properly. Our therapeutic exercises take place in a heated pool which stimulates blood circulation throughout your body.

4. Get Better Results from Your Workouts

Exercising in the water has a three-dimensional effect. The water pushes you from all sides, which increases the effectiveness of each movement that you make. Your instructor will provide pregnancy modifications when needed and you will work out your entire body maximizing each minute of your sessions.

5. Enjoy a Sense of Relaxation

You’ve got a lot going on in your life right now, and you may find it hard to let go of all of the stress. While preparing for your baby is exciting, you may also need to carve out time for yourself to just have some fun. There’s no denying that floating and swimming around in a heated pool is a great way to unwind after a stressful day.

As your baby grows, you should enjoy the excitement of feeling those first flutters turn into kicks and flips. While this is always a special time, you also want to remember that a strong body and mind will be instrumental in the delivery and parenting processes and we want to support you, every step of the way.